7,8 / 10 / writers=Ari Aster / score=147177 Votes / Runtime=2H, 28Min / star=Jack Reynor / Genre=Mystery
Yeah this movie had me hooked until they drug, coerce, bully and sexually assault Christian. only to frame him as the bad guy. W a t yknow? It has so much potential as an idea but the second half of the movie is so ridiculous. Tbf so is her sisters over the top murder suicide review is 👌.
Midsommar online. When I first watched the movie, the part that cemented it as an unintentional award-winning comedy was the part where the elders jump off the cliff. Imagine that you're an old boi in this society. You've probably seen many elders commit suicide off that cliff throughout your life there (which is the dumbest way to ease elders into death, but whatever. You've also probably seen what happens when the suicide leap doesn't do the job, and witnessed The Mallet splat some brains, scarring you for life. Then, when it's your time to go, do you gently swan-diving into a mercifully quick head-splatter on the rocks below? NOPE! You go fucking feet-first like an idiot and act surprised when you only break your legs off and get The Mallet treatment instead. Absolutely hilarious.
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Her head movement! She can dance. She always tried to look at the same spot when spinning and it prevents you from getting dizzy.
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Doesnt the guy who plays Christian remind you of Chris Pratt aka Starlord.
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I love how they make you feel you are in the middle of no where with extreme cultists And they have no restraints in what they do No one can tell them anything and whoever is born there is stuck and has no connection to the outside except only for a special mission of recruitment or sacrifices cults to a T.
I remember the day i seen midsommar in the cinema, id earlier that day had the final goodbye to my ex which was obviously very emotional. and when i later left the cinema i literally had no emotion left in me, very weird experience to say the least.
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Maja! 🤬😡.
The first film that will make you want to sleep with the lights off.
2:44 i love the way Pelle looks at Dani, it's unaddressed and it just feels like it means something.
Uhhh Ok... Sure. Yeah... Great. Umm... I'll be back I guess. She's going to skin me.
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Yep. 30 seconds in, you had me at from the director of Hereditary. I don't need to see any more.
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This makes the movie a lot more interesting than I initially thought and elevates my regard for it on par to hereditary, can't believe i didn't catch the undertones of the fascist cult since i just desperately wanted dani to heal from her pain.
Midsommar مترجم. Thanks Kay! Ive been waiting for something like this ever since I started thinking about the treatment of characters of color in Midsommar, and then when I saw that banner in a tweet I had the whole movie reframed for me. Its a shame that this take isnt more widespread, as I do feel its more impactful than “its about a breakup LUL.” Thanks for putting this out there. Great stuff. Midsommar stream. Midsommar stream vf. Midsommar cast. Midsommar movie. Midsommar 2019 cast. Midsommar stream vostfr. Midsommar harga. Midsommar w bia��y dzień. Midsommar parents guide.
Finally a take about midsommar that doesn't romanticize cults. I'm confused at how anyone could watch this and not conclude it was about a girl being groomed into a cult. Midsommar vostfr. Midsommar date. Midsommar w biały dzień. Online Hindi Film Live Steaming Watch Midsommar Movies Online Midsommar (2020) English Full Movie Stream Online OnLinE 123movies Please Midsommar. You know this scene is dizzy when you also feel it too at the end. Midsommar online free. Midsommar tattoo. Midsommar scene. Midsommar full movie online free. Midsommar google drive. Fantastic movie! Themes of family, belonging, codependency, society really blend with the horror elements in this pagan setting and atmosphere. Reminded me of those old, disturbing fairytales too. The more I think about it, the more I love it and will buy it for home release. I wish It was longer though! Scenes from the trailer are cut in the movie so I hope we get a director's cut.
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